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Illuminated ‘phantom castle keep’ and cherry blossoms delight visitors in Fukuoka

FUKUOKA — Cherry blossoms are at their peak in Maizuru Park here, and many people are visiting the site to catch a glimpse of the spectacular combination of the Somei Yoshino cherry blossoms and the “phantom castle keep” illuminated at night, which was installed for a limited time this year.

The keep was built on the tower base of Fukuoka Castle, a designated national historic site, by assembling single-tube pipes. The approximately 14-meter-high keep will be illuminated in seven colors by LED floodlights from 6 to 10 p.m. until May 31. There are various theories as to whether or not a keep actually existed at Fukuoka Castle.

At the park in Fukuoka’s Chuo Ward, visitors can enjoy some 1,000 cherry trees from 19 varieties, including the Somei Yoshino and weeping cherry. The “Fukuokajyo Sakura Festival” at the park will continue through April 9, with a fee charged for some areas at night.

(Japanese original by Kota Yoshida, Kyushu Photo Department)
